Comic #00 – The Beginning

The Beginning
Le départ
Date de publication
Janvier 2013
Nombre de pages
48 pages
Dark Horse
Rhianna Pratchett
Pages 05-28 : Nicolás Daniel Selma
Pages 29-52 : Andrea Mutti
Pierluigi Baldassini
Michael Atiyeh
Michael Heisler
Couverture et Design
Brian Horton
Ce comic prend place avant les évènements de Tomb Raider (2013). Il s'agit d'un prélude à l'ère "reboot".

Le Dr James Whitman prépare la prochaine saison de son émission Whitman's World. Pour cette troisième saison, il envisage de partir en expédition avec le capitaine Conrad Roth a bord de l'Endurance en quête du royaume perdu du Yamatai. Il rencontre progressivement les membres de l'équipage : Angus Grimaldi, Lara Croft, Samantha Nishimura, Joslin Reyes, Jonah Maiava et Alex Weiss. Cependant, quand son agent lui annonce que la chaîne de télévision qui le produit annule son émission, le Dr Whitman va devoir faire face à toute une série de mésaventures pour réussir à financer l'expédition. Ainsi débute la toute première aventure de Lara Croft...

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Sur la 2e planche, on peut voir Whitman tenir la fiche détaillant la biographie de Lara Croft. Petit clin d'oeil, la biographie est celle de la Lara Croft de Core Design et fait référence aux 4 premiers jeux de la série :

On notera cependant que l'âge et la date de naissance ne correspondent à aucune des biographies de Lara. Celle de Core Design est née en 1968 (et aurait eu 45 ans en 2013) et celle du reboot est née en 1992, et a 21 ans en 2013.

Voici le texte retranscrit de cette biographie :

Age: 25
Born: 1987
Raised at Croft Manor
Attended the Wimbledon High School for Girls.
Attended Gordonstoun Boarding School (Scotland)

After finishing High School, Lara requested to accompany renowned archaeologist Werner von Croy. Her parents agreed and it was her first of many expeditions around the globe.

Resumed Studies
After her expedition she resumed her studies, attending Gordonstoun Boarding School, in Scotland, where she discovered her love for climbing, water sports, horse back riding and archery. In 1996 Lara discovered the lost City of Vilcabama in the Andes mountain region in Peru, resulting the the find of one part of the Atlantean Scion. Looking for the two remaining parts Lara travelled to Greece, where she explored a giant ruined monastery called St. Francis' Folly and an amphitheatre, as well as a Palace devoted to King Midas, before obtaining the second Scion part. Visiting Egypt and the Sphinx Lara discovered the third and final part of the Scion. Following her adversary Jacqueline Natla Lara finally managed to get to the lost continent Atlantis, whose secrets she would finally uncover. Dagger of Xian In 1997 Lara travels to China in search of an artefact called the Dagger of Xian.

In 1998 Lara is enlisted by RX-Tech Scientist Mark Willard to retrieve three pieces of a supernaturally powered meteorite which crashed to earth. She first travels to India and contends with a Jungle Fever Mad Man aptly named Tony who has stolen the first Meteorite Piece: The Infada Stone. Lara then travels to the Nevada Desert and enters Area 51 the confirmed location holding the second meteorite piece: Element 115.

Lara went on an expedition to Egypt and accidently found the tomb of the ancient Egyptian god called Set, Ruler of the underworld, that had been imprisoned for centuries. She goes over to the sarcophagus and retrieves an interesting artifact called the Amulet of Horus, not knowing that removing it could set that ancient evil god free. Later Lara reads the inscription on the Amulet that warns that if it is removed, Set would be released to cause choas in the world. She then finds out that she has her former mentor Werner Von Croy on her trail who is also interested in the Amulet.